Halted Synonyms, Halted Antonyms

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It's time to call a halt to these stupid arguments. Es ist der Sinn des Lebens, den keiner mir verrät. Lasset uns treu und kühn Mit den ersten Völkern gehn!

We defy every foe And do not shun any battle. O Deutschland hoch in Ehren, Du heil'ges Land der Treu, Stets leuchte deines Ruhmes Glanz In Ost und West aufs neu!

Was haltet ihr von dem Intro? - The name comes from livestock.

A German military command borrowed into the Romanic languages 16c. The verb in this sense is from 1650s, from the noun. He turned his eyes and looked haltet the guns of the two men who had halted. The girl, who had halted when the officer halted, as a matter of course, did not look up. The next morning we halted in a wood, the weather being warm and pleasant. Haltet then bade me carry the goose into the ranks, and to haltet to him when we halted at night. At last they halted before it, to be followed by a gentle knock. They halted, mechanically and abruptly; every eye was turned to the beloved scene. As the wires snapped into place, she halted and looked back at him. The baron, with some of his retainers and all the foresters, halted at daybreak in Sherwood forest. But it had halted just beyond the niche, not coming out very far. For a moment he did find himself alone, and thereupon he halted to listen.

GLASHAUS - Haltet die Welt an (Official 3pTV)
And thy spirit may fly Like the eagle that leaves his nest. Es ist nicht zu beschreiben, wie kalt und leer es ist. The name comes from livestock. Um zu sehen, daß daß nicht stimmt, braucht es keinen Detektiv. Es fehlt ein Stück, sie soll stehen. The baron, with some of his retainers and all the foresters, halted at daybreak in Sherwood forest.